Our Beginning
Before the necessity of widening the rights of the authors worldwide, in 2010, the collective management societies that started to appear in Latin America, started to attend international congresses which, by then, were organized by the W/DW organization - Writers and Directors Worldwide.
This way, they could build a strong bridge between Latin America and the other continents, like Europe, Asia and Africa.
Through those important international congresses, alliances were strengthened to create new societies of collective management in many regions of the world.
The first one was the Latin American alliance of audiovisual societies, which meant the creation of FESAAL (Federation of Latinamerican Audiovisual Authors Societies), which was founded in December, 2018 in La Habanna, Cuba, by more than 14 societies participating in the region.
FESAAL was the witness of a growth, without precedents, in the following years, during which it brought technical and financial assistance for the creation of societies, not only in Latin America, but also in other continents.
The Latin American representatives traveled, together with their colleagues, screenwriters and audiovisual directors and European screenwriters, to international congresses in China, Japan, Argelia and Russia, where they met audiovisual screenwriters and directors from other countries.
During the pandemic, in September 2020, these alliances started to create something that did not exist before then, and that was considered necessary to defend and to extend the audiovisual rights worldwide. This way, a new idea was born, the idea of founding the Audiovisual Authors International Confederation - AVACI.
The political objective of this function is to respect not only the cultural diversity, but also, the human, political and thought diversity, since every region has specific laws and regulations for the collection and distribution of rights of the audiovisual authors.
These continental alliances support many countries where the authors’ rights have not gotten recognition and respect, yet.
The main objective is to consolidate the International Confederation and to provide technical and financial assistance for the creation of new organizations of collective management in all the alliances, regions and countries of the world in order to obtain the recognition of the authors’, writers’ and directors’ rights so that they could receive their fair remuneration and their right as creators.
“Writers and Directors Worldwide” worked as a launching platform for the audiovisual societies and as an acting organization under the CISAC, the confederation of the music societies, which motivated our organizations to generate more audiovisual societies, a task that was performed by the FESAAL with a technical and economical support plan, for which many European collective management societies helped and cooperated.

and Objectives
The strengths and the objectives of the authors made significant changes in the legislations of many countries, conquering and securing the right of remuneration of the collective management for the collection of the rights.
Nowadays, the plans of technical and financial cooperation keep on existing in countries of other continents which belong to the International Alliances of Africa, Asia Pacific and the recently created Alliance of Eurasia, with effective help by countries like India, South Korea, the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan and Bielorussia.
The manner the technical work was successfully put into practice at the FESAAL is now suggested as a manner of working for the AVACI, where the net of operational and structured societies of an alliance has a strong international union, since all of them have qualified accountants, lawyers and technical consultants who work together for the objectives proposed by the audiovisual creators.
With this, a powerful organization can be built, which could evaluate the situation of every country and assist the local societies about how to strengthen their rights in their own regions and how they can get their rights paid and distribute them to their legitimate owner, the audiovisual authors.
One of the most important contributions of the Audiovisual Authors International Confederation- AVACI, is the creation and distribution of an operating system, an open code with powerful tools, created by the DAC, the Argentine Society of Directors. This is a system which continued growing through the FESAAL, a Federation that is the main engine for the constitution of the Audiovisual Authors International Confederation.
This advanced operating system has not only author and works modules, from which the society obtains a line method for the authors to declare their works and join different collective management organizations worldwide, but also modules of collection and distribution and strong tools for the repertoire exchange among societies with agreements for the mutual payment of the author’s right.
This powerful operating system and its tools has received the name of AVSYS O.S. 5.0 & TOOLS and it means a big step towards the future which the audiovisual societies deserve to be able to manage their operations.