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Brazil: Historic Agreement with Netflix on Author’s Rights Remuneration

By Matheus Leitão - Veja

Collaboration between associations and the streaming service boosts a bill on author’s rights and related rights remuneration

In a highly anticipated move within the cultural sector, associations representing musicians, composers, screenwriters, actors, directors, and other professionals from the music and audiovisual industries have joined forces with Netflix to seek a solution for the remuneration of author’s rights for the streaming of music, series, soap operas, and films in Brazil.

It is an unprecedented achievement.

This collaboration resulted in the introduction of Bill 4968/2024, presented by Senator Randolfe Rodrigues and set to be reported by Senator Eduardo Gomes, according to journalist Matheus Leitão in an article published in Brazil's Veja magazine.

The proposal aims to ensure that the remuneration created in Brazil is effectively directed to Brazilian professionals responsible for creating musical and audiovisual works, establishing a uniform model for the entire audio and video streaming market.

According to sources, the agreement with Netflix is expected to accelerate the bill’s vote in the National Congress—given that it involves the largest streaming platform.

Plenário do Senado Federal (Saulo Cruz/Agência Senado)
Plenário do Senado Federal (Saulo Cruz/Agência Senado)

The dialogue between Netflix and Brazilian author’s rights and related rights holders took place through meetings with associations representing musicians, performers, directors, screenwriters, and actors, such as APS (Associação Procure Saber), DBCA (Diretores Brasileiros de Cinema e Audiovisual), GEDAR (Gestão de Direitos de Autores Roteiristas), and Interartis.

"We’ve been advocating for this for many years. The remuneration of music and audiovisual professionals for the reproduction or exhibition of their works on streaming services is a topic being addressed in several countries—some have already passed legislation on this. Developing a proposal alongside a company like Netflix shows that the model is viable. We believe this could finally give the push needed for Congress to approve the matter," says Paula Lavigne, producer and president of Associação Procure Saber (APS).

"We’ve fought for a long time to have the right to remuneration recognized in Brazil. In the case of audiovisual works, this collection will allow creators—screenwriters, directors, and actors—to have income predictability and a more dignified life. In other countries, for example, these funds were what supported artists during the pandemic," states Thiago Dottori, president of GEDAR. "In 2023, we began conversations with Netflix, and we’re very happy to continue this journey of dialogue and exchange, which now moves to Congress in search of the best legislation for everyone," he adds.


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