APASER – Pan African Alliance of Scriptwriters and Directors launched, within the frame of the 50th Anniversary of FESPACO – Uagadugú Pan African Cinema and Television Festival , an app for mobile phones, which will contain a general vision of Audiovisual Directors and Scriptwriters ‘situation in Africa, with the purpose of establishing a strategy of development and improvement of their situation.
This app is a very important advance for African Audiovisual Authors, as it will give precise information about audiovisual regulations and laws in all African countries, and most importantly, a tool to identify authors and scriptwriters from Africa. In this way, APASER Alliance, which covers all African countries, will keep their authors continuously united and informed.
This will generate a census, which will create workshops, courses, and further tools according to the Authors ´current needs.
Thanks to the Memorandum of Collaboration and Understanding which APASER has signed together with W&DW – Writers and Directors Worldwide and FESAAL – Federation of Societies of Latin American Audiovisual Authors, the Pan African Alliance, which received the support of both mentioned alliances, achieves another great step in the struggle for authors ‘right at an international level.